My Phone. My Laptop. My iPod. and My Camera.
Last night I went to get Aggie Ice Cream with my parents who were up in Logan for a ward temple night--My phone was sitting on my lap when I stood up....and accidentally let it fall. to. its. death. RIP little cell phone. Rest in pieces, not peace, because when it dropped, it (along with my heart) literally broke into little pieces. Like this:

The good news is my Laptop runs like a champ--even though last year I completely fried the hard drive somehow and my dad had to basically rebuild it from now runs...great.
Whenever I put my headphones in the headphone jack, or take them out, my whole iPod resets. It goes to the little apple screen and I can't do anything for like 60 seconds while it does its thing. It also does this when its plugged in or out of the iHome. Or in and out of the cable that connects it to the computer. You can see how this would get super annoying..Its random and weird, only happens sometimes...I have no idea why, but it makes me sad and stressed and worried for her...
Last but not least, my camera. --There was one near death experience when I dropped her coming off the team bus in Iowa, but Dad pulled her through and now she's just fine. BUT! I lost the charger. So yeah, haven't been taking pictures lately. At all. (or movies since I can't get my flip to turn on...)

So anyway, I asked him about my iPod and he just looked at me for a second, (I think stared into my soul) and then he shook his head slowly and said, "Christy, you're hard on stuff. Ya know that?"
:( craaaap. (insert intensely guilty feelings here) Technology and I have proved to be kind of a detrimental duo.
The way I see it I have two options in life:
1) live like an pioneer, or an amish person...sans all things electronic.
2) Or, I just have to marry a man like my Dad.
I need someone freakishly brilliant, and perfectly patient, who knows how to fix anything and everything. Because I will most likely need him to.
Ohhhh Dad, I love you.
you. you're funny.
CHRISTY!!!!! I found your blog a little while's so good to catch up on your life too!!! Seems like you are havin a blast...happy as usual!! btw..i do like your brown hair, you can definitely pull it off :) I hope everything is going great for you! It was good to hear from you!
Okay just found your blog and love it. My ipod does the same thing and every time I want to have a heart attack.
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