These amazing, wonderful, beautiful people have been waiting on my hand and foot for the last week. (Literally, its hard to lift my leg up onto the couch, so one of my siblings comes running to lift it up and tuck a pillow under it for me.)
Maybe no one else cares, and maybe this might come off a little vain or pretentious to people not in my family? I apologize. But what's a blog for, if not to write about things no one else really cares about just because it feels good to throw it out there to cyberspace...?
My little sister brought a christmas scentsy into my room so it would smell like christmas this week while I was cooped up in there.
My older sister, Kelsey, strung about a billion little christmas lights on the palm tree in my room.
Jamie's done up and undone my brace about 800 times.
Jamie will run upstairs to grab my computer, and then downstairs to look for my phone charger, and back upstairs to grab me a shirt to change into, and downstairs for a blanket, and up and down, and up and down....And she never complains, or rolls her eyes, or normal 12 year old kid things--Not even once.
Sean scrambled around to finish the last minute Christmas shopping I couldn't do before the family party.
He brought me flowers when I got out of the hospital.
My mom, has brought me breakfast in bed, for the past 5 days. (and lunch and dinner whenever I want it)
She went to the store to get all my favorite snacks and brought me 3 different movies from redbox. (plus, Doug supplied the 1st season of modern family. SO funny)
My mom brings me things I need before I can even think to ask for them. She's patient and loving and selfless...she's seriously gone above and beyond this week, one of the busiest, most stressful weeks of the year.
(I honestly feel so blessed to have Sue Brian as my mother. Sorry for the rest of the world that didnt get so lucky.)
Doug heard me crying in the middle of the night when the meds wore off and came running to my rescue.
He also came running to catch me when I almost tripped down the stairs on my crutches. Super graceful.
Sean (and my cute grandparents) went to like 4 different stores on Christmas Day to find me some stupid ice.
My dad took extra care to make sure I got to and from our family parties without breaking anything.
He's stayed by my side and watched hours and hours of modern family with me.
He offered to skip work the day of the surgery in case I just wanted him to be there.
He gave me a blessing before I went in, and put me at peace.
I could seriously go on and on and on...
But let me just say, this was a really special Christmas for me.
I felt completely overwhelmed by the love I feel for my family.
I am so blessed.
Throughout this year, for whatever reasons, some friends I really love grew distant. Others just dropped out of my life altogether, and that kind of change is always hard to deal with.
It means everything to me to know these people are a constant in my life. And they always will be.
i almost cried.
and doug coming to your rescue when you were sobbing in the middle of the night?
I. Love. This.
chris...i really think that you are great...good luck with recovery and this seriously is so tender....really it is beautiful.
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