- Play Guitar & Sing More
Become a Homeowner- Hike Timp
Get Scuba Certified- Go on a Mother-Daughter Trip
Do a Spartan Race- Make a Quilt
- Be Quicker to Sincerely Apologize
- Grow an Herb Garden
- Monthly Temple Trips
Host a Dinner Party- Join a Softball League with Creed
Get Family Pictures- Say "Yes" Day
- Learn to Make Homemade Bread
One Fun Concert- Dance Lessons
- Carve Family Initials in a Tree
Learn to Make Family MoviesBear TestimonyDIY project for House- Start Family Traditions
- Book/Blog for Seminary Stuff
Celebrate Lance's First Birthday30 Day Social Media Fast- 30 Random Acts of Kindness
- 30 Sunrises & Sunsets
- 30 New Friends
- 30 Hours Researching Ancestors
- 30 Dates with Creed
Christy Marie
Monday, April 15, 2019
30 before 30
Sunday, March 10, 2019
This past December I asked Creed to enter me into this fitness program as a Christmas gift. It was pretty pricey but it included a mealplan, daily workouts, an online trainer....annnnnd motivation! One participant would be chosen to receive a FREE TRIP TO THAILAND, based on their before and after photos. I was pumped. and as diligent as I could be these past 8 weeks.
Dragging Lance to get babysat somewhere for an hour every day so I could hit the gym, eating lots of greek yogurt and egg whites, and other gross health food...learning how to count macros and tracking everything with a fitness app...
The results are finally in! And while I may not win the free trip, I can totally fit into my pre-pregnancy pants again. #WINNING (this whole program has basically paid for itself right there ;) Pregnancy and child birth really do a number on ya. But I would take that mombod pictured on the left over life without Lance ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.
I'm proud and so so grateful for what my body can do.
I'm V proud of myself for the discipline and hard work I put in these past 2 months.
Starting to feel like my "old self" again and its PRETTY cool.
I wanted to share my 'win' but social media was too intimidating. So I'll share it here on the blog where probably only my mom will see it :) Maybe some day I will be horrified that I put these pictures up on the internet, but right now in this moment, I'm just feeling like tooting my own horn.
*toot toot*
*air fives mom*
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Adjusting to Motherhood
"How are you adjusting to motherhood?"
It comes in various forms, "Are you surviving? Hanging in there? You sleeping at all? etc" but they're all getting at the same thing, and I've found it's actually pretty tricky to try and put the last month and a half into words. I guess proper etiquette is just to laugh and nod knowingly--but for anyone who cares to really know, what I really think and feel about becoming a mom...here it is:
- First off, I am equal parts amazed and weirded out by what my body can do. From the whole pregnancy, to the labor & delivery, to breastfeeding...I've lived 28 years in this body and all that time had no idea what it was capable of! It's nuts. And sometimes gross. And sometimes just awe inspiring. It's a testament to me of an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator. A little perfect human grew inside me and now lives and breathes and owns my heart. My body instinctively produces what he needs. After the 9 months of stretching and changing to accommodate this little dude and then the trauma of delivery--my body felt so foreign to me. But it knows how to repair itself! It's been incredible to witness. (And a little exhausting.)
- The sleep deprivation is no joke. Its really been taking my emotions for a ride. Or possibly its the fluctuating hormones? Either way, I cry almost everyday now--but also have moments of pure joy and elation unlike anything I've ever experienced. Like an awesome, terrible rollercoaster.
- Getting to know this sweet little spirit is so FUN. There's a new development or discovery every day. I was freaking out to Creed the first time he really locked eyes with me, I was seriously on cloud nine. And then he smiled! Then a real smile!! Then he GIGGLED!!! Every little new noise he makes is literally the cutest thing I've ever heard. Even burping and farting is weirdly cute sometimes--its a spell babies put you under I guess. The point is every day there's something, he's growing and changing so fast I feel like I can't look away or even blink cause I don't wanna miss anything! I've heard parents say that before--totalllyyy get it now.
- Creed as a dad is ALL THE HEART EYES. It's a whole new level of love that's sweeter than I can describe. So, I guess I won't. There are moments that are hard learning to parent together--and I know we are just at the beginning end of those--but there is no one in the world I'd rather be doing this with. Creed is everything good and sweet, and Lance is so lucky.
- The change of pace has been a little jarring for me. Life has slowed wayyyy down and I'm super less "productive" but, I'm trying to be okay with that and just appreciate this season for what it is. Also, I watched 5 seasons of The Office in 2 months. So, yikes. I'm not sure what's gonna happen when my maternity leave is up. I miss seminary, but don't know how I could ever leave this little butterball now....?
- With all this extra time to think and a million new things to worry about I sometimes get a little anxious. I've been reading through a book of our friends' parenting advice that Creed made me for my first mother's day--As I think about raising this guy and trying to get it right, it's a little daunting! This is from one of my favorite entries, and it fills me with hope:
"So much of parenting is trying to strike a balance between so many
paradoxes; love & discipline, gentleness & tough love, joy &
frustration, honoring agency & trying to control every outcome. It is not
easy. Anyone who says it is either has not done it, or has not done it well.
You will screw this up every day and in every way, yet you were still given the
responsibility. Remember they are not YOUR children, they came from above and
they will return there. You are simply a steward. A flawed, imperfect, and
perfect steward."
- My heart is so full of gratitude that Heavenly Father has entrusted me with this sacred stewardship. What a beautiful, beautiful blessing it is to be a mom!!! Still got a lot of growing into it to do--but man, am I feeling extra grateful this thanksgiving season.
Friday, May 25, 2018
My Teaching Journal: Some Highs & Lows
As I sit in my empty office and try to make use of these
final few hours of the school year--I've been doing some reflecting on the last
4 years at Timpview. What a whirlwind it's been! I came down here a wide-eyed,
wandering, single 24 year old---and yesterday, after I bounded up the seminary
stairs to sit down in my office, I felt my future son kick inside my stomach
for the first time. I'm a puddle of gratitude and wonder at what the Lord's
done with my life.
The end of the school-year is always really, really hard.
The kids are done, and the teachers are done and we try to just claw our way
through the month of May for the most part. This year was no different. It was
fun for me to read back through my teaching journal and consider my journey.
Throughout the course of my career I have felt:
Throughout the course of my career I have felt:
- Underqualified
- Exhausted
- Elated
- Devastated
- Grateful
- Exhausted again
- Encouraged
- Awestruck
- Desperate
- Overwhelmed
- Discouraged
- Embarrassed
- A constant yearning, reaching....begging! for heaven's help
- A chance to reflect deeply and often about my relationship with my Savior
- A pure love for my fellow disciples and pride & joy in their goodness and faith
- Days that made me doubt any progress I had ever made
- Moments of hopelessness and defeat that were especially crippling because I felt I had really given it my all
Here's an excerpt from my actual journal:
Teaching feels
like my calling in life—deep in my bones, it is such an integral part of who I
am. I am passionate about teaching and learning and I feel closest to heaven in
a learning environment. I love the opportunity to ponder the gospel of Jesus
Christ deeply and often. This chance to study the scriptures with such intent
has been a life-changing blessing that I will take with me wherever I go. I love being able to testify about things I
believe so regularly. I cherish the thank you notes from my students and when
they let me know I’ve helped them on their journey and with their testimonies.
It brings me a sense of pride to know that I’ve made it in a fairly competitive
But as I look back
through a lot of my posts, I have really, really struggled in a lot of ways. I
truly believe I am a natural teacher, but the past couple of years feel like
they chewed me up and spit me out. I was always so discouraged and unsure of
myself. I was constantly seeking validation and not able to find it. I was
POURING myself into these lessons and always feeling like I was coming up
short. I was discouraged and depressed. I felt like I constantly had to take my
work home and continue working on lessons. I wasn’t enjoying the kids as much
or my faculty. I felt like I was studying the scriptures for OTHERS but never
had time to ponder and reflect and grow myself. I felt like over time “in the
system” I lost my own personality and flair and was just cranking out lessons
the way I was told in the manual.
I know this is a
great and important work (the Lord’s work even!) but I feel completely
replaceable. I have always known this would be temporary and that I would
eventually stay home and be a mom. I’ve always thought to myself, what better
preparation for motherhood? But maybe I’ve learned what I needed to learn from
seminary and should go explore a new frontier? Maybe there are other things I
could learn in the world of business and I can take the good with me..
5/23/2018 (One year later)
I feel
like I need to quit at the end of every schoolyear. I feel chewed up, spit out,
unappreciated and trampled on. I feel absolutely hopeless and discouraged. I
really do feel like my heart is in the right place, and I am pretty diligent in
my preparation, but I can NOT recognize the promised blessings in my teaching.
I look out at all my classes---at the students totally immersed in their phones
or their homework, or just blatantly sleeping through every class period and I
wonder why I even try? How can I stand
up and promise them all these blessings when I can’t see them in my own
life? Why can’t I? What am I doing
wrong? I don’t know how some of these men I work with do this for 20-30 years.
It is brutal and I don’t know if I have the nerves or the stomach for it.
I just feel like
this is taking too much out of me and the upside is SO hard to discern…Maybe this is just
the work of a disciple? Maybe I just need to dig deep in my heart and be
willing to prune in the vineyard WHEREVER the Lord needs me, however
unappreciated and defeated I might feel---maybe this is just what He needs from
me? If that’s the case I am no quitter. For Him, I am willing to do whatever is
required. As long as I KNOW that’s where he wants me to be. How can I be sure
of that?
I always thought this job would prepare me for motherhood---but its doing it in a different way than I expected. I thought I was just filling my pockets with scripture knowledge to skillfully bestow upon my children in future ensign-worthy FHE lessons….(insert eyeroll here) but 4 years later I feel like my biggest takeaways are:
· Learning that He sanctifies our most difficult days, and good things are happening even when we don't recognize it.
· If I just try to be obedient whatever the cost, even (and especially) when its not easy, then I can bank on the Lord's promises.
I'm grateful for
those lessons, despite the swamp my heart had to wade through to get there.
Grateful for this seminary journey and the way it's prepared me to be this
little guy's mom. I know I needed this deeper understanding of God's grace
before I could tackle this most important calling in life.
Fingers crossed as we
head towards motherhood.
About 11 more weeks
to go...
Thursday, January 28, 2016
I'm so grateful for this little record to remember exactly what it felt like to be at various stages of my life. The last post was really kind of at a low and as I read over it again I can remember exactly what it felt like to be so discouraged--March 2nd. But, the end of that same month--March 28th--I went on my last, first date, and met the man I'd soon marry. Funny how life goes..
Falling in love with him was so easy and it happened so quickly. I fell in love with his smile on the doorstep.We skipped our date to just keep talking in the parking lot for hours, and I knew he could be my best friend. I fell in love with his family and their history. Over a few months our lives just sort of melted together and I started to sense how truly special a person he was. I fell in love with him dancing at his brothers wedding and taking naps after church. Hard to pinpoint exactly when...But when I found out he loved me, too, it felt like fireworks.
I knew from a decade of watching friends date and marry that falling in love is one thing, but it's still a scary thing deciding to 'take the plunge' and I braced myself for a rough road ahead 'deciding'...(never really been my strong point in life..)
Surprisingly, it turned out to be one of the easiest things I've done. I sat in a quiet, holy place one day and searched my heart, and spoke to God. I came to understand, in a way that is pretty indescribable, that my mind lagged behind what I already knew in my heart. So I hesitantly decided to let that lead... What a blur since then.
Creed and I were engaged on September 5th in San Francisco, and married on December 12th in the Mount Timpanogos Temple.
I love him desperately and being married to my best friend is the sweetest thing I've experienced so far in life. Never even knew my heart was capable of feeling so much and so deeply. Elder Holland said that "To give ourselves so totally to another person is the most trusting and perhaps the most fateful step we take in life" I was so worried about mistepping at such a critical crossroads--But God has been so good to me and I'm humbled at just how much He was actually guiding me though I had no idea at the time. Just, hallelujah. The decade of dating is finally at a close. Hallelujah!!
On to the next big adventure...
Falling in love with him was so easy and it happened so quickly. I fell in love with his smile on the doorstep.We skipped our date to just keep talking in the parking lot for hours, and I knew he could be my best friend. I fell in love with his family and their history. Over a few months our lives just sort of melted together and I started to sense how truly special a person he was. I fell in love with him dancing at his brothers wedding and taking naps after church. Hard to pinpoint exactly when...But when I found out he loved me, too, it felt like fireworks.
I knew from a decade of watching friends date and marry that falling in love is one thing, but it's still a scary thing deciding to 'take the plunge' and I braced myself for a rough road ahead 'deciding'...(never really been my strong point in life..)
Surprisingly, it turned out to be one of the easiest things I've done. I sat in a quiet, holy place one day and searched my heart, and spoke to God. I came to understand, in a way that is pretty indescribable, that my mind lagged behind what I already knew in my heart. So I hesitantly decided to let that lead... What a blur since then.
Creed and I were engaged on September 5th in San Francisco, and married on December 12th in the Mount Timpanogos Temple.
I love him desperately and being married to my best friend is the sweetest thing I've experienced so far in life. Never even knew my heart was capable of feeling so much and so deeply. Elder Holland said that "To give ourselves so totally to another person is the most trusting and perhaps the most fateful step we take in life" I was so worried about mistepping at such a critical crossroads--But God has been so good to me and I'm humbled at just how much He was actually guiding me though I had no idea at the time. Just, hallelujah. The decade of dating is finally at a close. Hallelujah!!
On to the next big adventure...
Monday, March 2, 2015
Update: The boy I was so excited about dating in Provo broke up with me a few weeks ago. Then this past week both my ex's from college got engaged. BOTH of them in the same week....Seriously what are the chances!? I just need to take a second here and get real transparent with my feelings..
I don't want to be that melodramatic girl complaining about how her facebook/instagram feed is full of engagements---but this is the first time in my life I've really started to worry that the world keeps spinning and moving on without me. I mean, they both figured it out...? Suddenly the only common denominator in all my past relationship failures, is me...
The list of truly meaningful relationships in my life is starting to dwindle and I just feel discouraged about this stage of life. What's the point of loving people and building relationships if they all just eventually come to naught? Am I even capable of loving someone the way I need to, to have a happy marriage and build a family!? Have I been approaching this whole dating thing just completely wrong for the past 8 years?! All of the sudden I just feel like I have no idea what I'm doing and am seriously doubting myself...cheers to being a young single adult. Heaven help me.
Since the missionary, these were two of the most meaningful relationships I've had. My relationships lately haven't been even close to the same level. I grew to love each of these guys so much. And honestly, my initial reaction to hearing their news was joy :) Truly, I'm happy for these people I love--I want the world for them. But if I'm honest, a close second to that surprise, excitement, and joy was a pit in my stomach that was a mix of jealousy, loss, and discouragement.
I don't want to be that melodramatic girl complaining about how her facebook/instagram feed is full of engagements---but this is the first time in my life I've really started to worry that the world keeps spinning and moving on without me. I mean, they both figured it out...? Suddenly the only common denominator in all my past relationship failures, is me...
The list of truly meaningful relationships in my life is starting to dwindle and I just feel discouraged about this stage of life. What's the point of loving people and building relationships if they all just eventually come to naught? Am I even capable of loving someone the way I need to, to have a happy marriage and build a family!? Have I been approaching this whole dating thing just completely wrong for the past 8 years?! All of the sudden I just feel like I have no idea what I'm doing and am seriously doubting myself...cheers to being a young single adult. Heaven help me.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
...Becoming "Sister Brian"
Friday, December 19, 2014
8th period had just finished, I was picking up the name tags to put them back in the back cupboard, when I noticed a missed call and a text message from my boss on my phone. Bro. H was both awesome and terrifying--I looked up to him SO much but whenever he came to observe me or we had one-on-one conversations I felt nervous and awkward, so so awkward. I guess that's just part of a program when you're being combed over and critiqued for potential employment.
I was especially nervous about this phone call because I was waiting to hear whether or not I was being cut from the program at the semester. I gave myself a little peptalk and braced myself for the worst before I hit the call back button.
After some brief pleasantries, Bro. H got straight to the point and asked me what my feelings were about teaching another semester...then he surprised me by asking me about how willing I was to relocate if that was needed. I was teaching 5 psychology classes at Roy and that would be impossible for me, so I was really confused. But I stammered out something and he upbruptly ended our conversation and said he'd call back in a few minutes. I thought for sure I blew it and was about to get cut...
About 30 minutes later, after one of the most unexpected conversations of my life. I dropped my phone and danced down the stairs to tell my parents the news, that I had just been offered a FULL-TIME seminary position that started at the semester change(!!!) I called my best friend and then my boyfriend...and everyone seemed just as blindsided as me. I had 24 hours to make a decision so that meant quitting my current job that afternoon. I sat in my drive way and called my assistant principal at Roy--and I was shaking like a leaf through that entire conversation but he was so kind about it.
I had a Christmas party that night with a bunch of friends--everyone weighed in on the decision...There was lots going on and not a whole lot of time to process, but I called the next morning and accepted the offer to teach seminary.
Leaving Roy was gut-wrenching...I had really grown to love it there and the administrators and faculty and students had been so, so good to me. But, I kinda felt like, the Lord was intervening in my life and opening up a path.There was NO reason I shoulda been hired--this preservice program is seriously seriously competitive---but somehow I was. So God HAD to be in it. So even with the lack of plans and long list of unknowns and just the CRAZINESS of it all, if that was really the case, if He was in it....then I couldn't wait to see where it would lead. So I packed up all my crap and I moved down to Provo and became "Sister" Brian.
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Timpview Seminary |
*insert wide eyed face*
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