Since the missionary, these were two of the most meaningful relationships I've had. My relationships lately haven't been even close to the same level. I grew to love each of these guys so much. And honestly, my initial reaction to hearing their news was joy :) Truly, I'm happy for these people I love--I want the world for them. But if I'm honest, a close second to that surprise, excitement, and joy was a pit in my stomach that was a mix of jealousy, loss, and discouragement.
I don't want to be that melodramatic girl complaining about how her facebook/instagram feed is full of engagements---but this is the first time in my life I've really started to worry that the world keeps spinning and moving on without me. I mean, they both figured it out...? Suddenly the only common denominator in all my past relationship failures, is me...
The list of truly meaningful relationships in my life is starting to dwindle and I just feel discouraged about this stage of life. What's the point of loving people and building relationships if they all just eventually come to naught? Am I even capable of loving someone the way I need to, to have a happy marriage and build a family!? Have I been approaching this whole dating thing just completely wrong for the past 8 years?! All of the sudden I just feel like I have no idea what I'm doing and am seriously doubting myself...cheers to being a young single adult. Heaven help me.
I think the common feature is that people tend to find someone when they move away from home.
Buy, sell, or hold: Christy getting married? Strong buy.
Oh, Christy. :) It happens when it is supposed to happen. There is no secret to learn or mistake you have made. You have little kiddos that need to hear the gospel from YOU and some amazing man out there is being AMAZING until he meets you when he will be even MORE AMAZING. Just trust in Him and trust His plan. I think you're already pretty good at that. :)
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