Friday, April 30, 2010

My bright future/fortune....

Today after school,

I. was. starving.

Deleriously so. I couldnt stand it anymore and I jumped in my car and drove to panda as fast as I could. Like, lightspeed. When I got there....I realized there WAS no drive through and that I had no shoes. Eff.

....My second trip to panda was successful though. I thoroughly enjoyed my kids meal and then THIS was the fortune in my cookie:

"You will have full contentment by summers end."

.....%*@# Yeahhh!!! Bring on the summer. I will probably make tons of beautiful memories and lots of money and meet the love of my life...mmm mm mm..

Can't wait.

1 comment:

CrazyKennedys said...

Summerrrr! Let's hang out, k??? :)

Love, Britty D