I need to post some pictures from Picasa.
Look out blogger world. Here comes even more pictures from the latest in my life:
First, a bonus picture from the cruise I didn't post already. This is when me and Cousin Paul started dancing in the main square of Grand Turk. Pure Joy.
Next: I recently found out that I've been hired for the summer to work for CLIMBworks Canopy. This is a zipline company out in Tennessee. I will be living in the beautiful smokey mountains and zippin' erryday. win.
(This photo was added by yelp.com to google images)
Last but not least, my very best friend in the whole world snagged herself a fiance last week. I couldn't be more excited for them both. They are the world's coolest/funniest couple. Already countin down to the wedding because I'm so excited. nbd.