Thursday, November 17, 2011

Body Language : Queen

This song came on my grooveshark playlist while I was studying at a table by myself on the 4th floor of the Merril Cazier.
So naturally, I started dancing, by myself.
Never felt so good about it.
Instant great mood.
Even though I look like a hot mess today and I've been studying all morning for my test this afternoon and of COURSE I run into that kid I desperately want to date right after eating some curry and wearing my brother's way too big for me sweater.
Also, I just found out I cant go home today because I have to work tonight and I have an interview in the morning.
But then,
Body Language.

It's all whatever.
I feel great.

Everyone, I dare you to dance your heart out to this song and not feel great about life.


Sister Kamille Amy Clifford said...

too bad i hadn't just randomly been on the 4th floor, i would have LOVED to see it from afar.

cole linnae said...

re-do that scene for me and video tape it on your lappytop.. k

Mindy said...

I.don' So that just cannot happen. :)