Monday, November 21, 2011

Life Fail.

I got out of the bus on campus today and looked down to see this....

Officially losing my mind. Thanksgiving Break couldn't get here fast enough.


Mindy said...

Fabulous. :)

Liv said...

hahaha I miss you chris!!! I have defintely done this before!! oops!! LOVE YOU!! :)

brittyd said...

hahahahahAHAHAHAHA ROFL. oh my gosh that is SO funny. Cuz guess what, one time in 12th grade I did that. and I had lifetime activities and we went bowling that day so we had to change our shoes in front of everybodyyyy. My heart just kind of dropped when I realized it and I tried really hard to just hide my feet somehow. didn't work.
But hey, yours looks kind of cool. you'll probably end up starting a fashion trend.

I miss glenhood D22.