Sunday, December 4, 2011

I heart C.S. Lewis.

Recently I heard someone use an analogy from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to teach a principle, and it has really stuck with me so I'd like to share it. In honor of the Christmas spirit :) 
One of the kids, I don't know...lets say Peter(?) Shows up in the Winter Wonderland..Narnia? ..Right? (Sorry if I botch names, I actually haven't read the book since elementary school..but anyway) So he runs into Azlan (the Lion guy) and they are so excited to be reunited because they haven't seen each other in a while..
 Azlan comments on how big Peter is and how much he has grown in the last year...and then Peter remarks how much bigger Azlan is as well...and asks, "Azlan, have you grown a year older too?"
"No, I have not," Azlan replies, "yet each year you return, you will find me bigger."
C.S. Lewis intended for Azlan to typify the Savior.. And this little dialogue really hit home to me. Each year I grow older, Christ does grow bigger in my eyes. He is God, and is unchangeable. He is already all-knowing and all-powerful, and He does not grow any bigger...yet every year, as I learn more, and as I am better able to recognize my dependence on Him, as He strengthens and carries me through all my life's experiences... I continue to find Him bigger and bigger. 

This year is no exception. As I reflect on things I've learned this last semester, the more I know, the more I realize I will never know the depths of His love, or his power, or his mercy... My testimony of Jesus Christ is that He is everything He said He was, and that He has done all He said He would do. And that His hand is outstretched still. He will never, ever give up on any of us. Ever. We can all look to Him, admire Him, worship Him, and rely on Him without any reservation because He is perfect in every way. 

I hope this doesn't come off cheesy, but I think this is what Christmas is really about. And I think it's important to share.
As we wind up for the holidays, I just hope that the real reason for it stays in the forefront of our minds...

Merry Christmas!

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